Baldridge Performance Angus Bull Sale
Saturday, January 25, 2025 • 1:00 p.m. CST
Lincoln CO Fairgrounds • North Platte, NE
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2025 Bull Sale - Yearling Scan Data - Adj. Yearling Wts. and Scrotal
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Welcome to Baldridge Performance Angus home on the Web. We invite you to tour our
Web site and learn more about our operation and our breeding program. We also
welcome you to visit our operation in person anytime you're in our area.
About Us
We are a family-owned business with roots in registered Angus cattle going back over
40 years. We currently calve over 800 registered Angus annually and are
headquartered in the Platte Valley of west-central Nebraska where our cow herd is
wintered. Then they are moved to summer pasture in the nearby Nebraska Sandhills
where they range in large pastures typically requiring 10+ acres per cow/calf pair.
We hold an annual production sale each year, selling bulls on the last Saturday of
January. The philosophy behind our breeding program is outlined in the Goals of Our
Goals of Our Program. . .
... are to provide our customers with the most progressive genetics possible.
Genetics that excel in the economically important traits of efficient beef
production. To us that means growth, fertility, calving-ease, maternal and carcass
traits. And these traits should come in a functional, sound, easy-fleshing and
gentle package. We rely on EPDs, visual appraisal and individual performance to
guide us in the selection process. We also rely on artificial insemination (AI) and
embryo transfer (ET) to expand the impact of elite bulls and females on our program.
Our commitment to reaching our genetic goals includes ongoing investment in elite
genetics through semen from outstanding sires and the addition of superior producing
cow families to our program.
In addition to the goals of our breeding program, we know our future and success
depends on customer satisfaction. Repeat customers, long-standing relationships and
real genetic value are what we want to produce.